The Acme Opticom plug-in has become an essential tool in my studio – I just turn it on and it does the larger than life thing, it sounds like a real vintage tube compressor, and it has become one of my favorite plug-in’s!

The Acme Opticom plug-in has become an essential tool in my studio – I just turn it on and it does the larger than life thing, it sounds like a real vintage tube compressor, and it has become one of my favorite plug-in’s!
Kid Rock’s music spans so many genres, Metal, rap, country, rock, motown,…Having a flat and true DI lets me sit the bass in the right attitude for all of that effortlessly. The Motown DI doesn’t have the artificial sounding characteristics in the low end that many other DI’s have. It is smooth and flat and completely transparent.
If you want gentle compression or ton’s of attitude the Opticom has you covered! On a recent mix for Fergie’s new album the amp section on the Opticom provided the character we needed to make her vocal stand out.
The Acme Opticom is one of the most amazing sounding and versatile compressors I’ve ever used. From full-blown crushing of a drum track to minor compression on a vocal and everything in between, the Opticom does it all.
One of my absolute favorite new pieces of gear is the acme audio opticom … It’s like going to the Tone Zone… not just a terrific compressor/limiter but it also offers a wonderful harmonic richness to just about everything I put it on.
The Opticom XLA-3 is my one-stop drum shop: no matter what goes in, it come out sounding miles better. It’s one of those magic boxes that makes everything sound bigger, wider, warmer, fatter. Vance has one – I bought two. Gimme more.
The Opticom XLA-3 MkII is giving me some serious golden honey-glazed love! Really digging the transparency in Normal Mode. It never goes off the cliff even with the needle pinned! I love switching through the three different cells to find the perfect enveloping for the track, it’s just fast and effortless. It sheers transients with a velvet smoothness that makes love to my ear drums! The other night, I was pegging a vocal over 10db and it leveled off the attack, without mucking up the details and edge. The XLA3 is one of the best damn Leveling Amplifiers I’ve had my mitts on – thanks for such amazing gear! Rock!
“After receiving my Opticom I thought I would try it on everything to see what it worked best on.. and I found it it works best on everything. Drums? Awesome. Bass, BIG and LOUD. Guitars and Keys? Awesome, but now I need more of them, and Vocals, Oh WOW! Right in your face. Absolutely love it! It will be used on every session from now on I am confident!”
“The sound is so luscious that nothing I recorded was ever regretted the next day.”
“The Opticom’s sonic character is …. smooth and polished sounding, distinctly vintage, and a good antidote for those who feel digital systems are too clean and bright.”